Redesigned Wordpress Membership Site. Improved functionality and fixed bugs inherited from previous developer. Provided customer services to members and maintained site.
For this project I was hired as a solo developer to fix issues the previous developer caused and couldn't resolve. Once I resolved the major issues, I then went on to make improvements to other areas on the site. A major functionality of the site is it generates a PDF with results based the answers the member makes on an assessment. There are are also unique products that provide different levels of membership and different time frames of membership access.
After successfully resolve all the problems and implementing multiple improvements, I was kept on as a technical support where I respond to any technical questions or requests members or administrator have.
Redesigned Wordpress Membership Site. Improved functionality and fixed bugs inherited from previous developer. Provided customer services to members and maintained site.
For this project I was hired as a solo developer to fix the membership renewal system for a nation wide non-profit with thousands of existing members. First I transfer thousands of existing membership information from Salesforce to Wordpress. Then I setup a way for members who's membership expired to purchase through the new membership system which allowed for auto-renew, and manual cancelation.
After I re-built the membership renewal system to use wooCommerce Subscription with auto renewal, I setup an automated certificate system for members to eliminate paperwork. I setup a complex form process with Gravity Forms and Gravity Flow plugins. This involved multiple steps and interactions between 3 different user roles.
I added a unique verification number to the certificates so every certificate could be verified on the site to confirm the person is still certified. A person can be un-certified if they stop paying membership fees, or violate a condition.
This project was extremely successful as it allowed thousands of members to be certified with no paperwork needing to be mailed, and allowing them to print their own certificates. Here are some walkthrough videos showing the system I setup:
Frontend development in raw HTML, CSS and jQuery to make landing pages from mockups
For this project I was giving an image mockup from a graphic designer, which I used to build out the HTML and CSS from nothing. This involved writing the code without any page builder or layout toos, so it's raw HTML structure for highest efficiency and quality.
The responsive design also means that it fits perfectly in any sized device it is viewed with. This means it was tested on many devices and minor adjustments were made to confirm it looks good.
I maintained an existing corporate site by updating and adding new pages. I managed the email marketing by designing and sending out emails to their existing email list. This involved rigourous email client testing as it had to look good on all email clients.
I built out this site with the guidance of a graphic designer who provided an image mockup and directed the overall style of the site. As the front-end developer, I made structural decisions to allow the site to load fast as well as adapt to any screen it was displayed on. This site had the challenge of a video background one the home page above the fold, only on the desktop version.
I was provided with their logo and the desired color scheme. I customized a WordPress theme, arranged the photos and stock photos, and wrote the majority of the copy.
I re-built and managed 3 Joomla sites with 1 other team member. I managed content and did the mass email marketing. These sites had new content on a regular basis that, as well as general site maintenance and new feature development.
The main source of income was lead generation, primarily through live webinars and gated content. I was involved with lead generation strategy and marketing.
I re-built this website using Wordpress Genesis Framework. A graphic designer provided mockups which I coded in HTML and CSS. This was brought into a Wordpress Theme that used the Genesis hook system.